About the Coalition
The UK Anti-SLAPP Coalition is an informal working group established in January 2021, co-chaired by the Foreign Policy Centre, Index on Censorship and CliDef. It comprises a number of freedom of expression, whistleblowing, anti-corruption and transparency organisations, as well as media lawyers, researchers and academics who are researching, monitoring and highlighting cases of legal intimidation and SLAPPs, as well as seeking to develop remedies for mitigation and redress.
The coalition has worked to make the case for structural and meaningful responses to SLAPPs. The coalition, which meets monthly, brings together expertise from a range of different fields to engage with policy-makers, regulators, media outlets and other organisations to ensure that the right to free expression and the ability for all to participate in society around them is not restricted by vexatious legal threats deployed by the wealthy and powerful seeking to shutdown scrutiny and democratic accountability.
The coalition does this in a number of ways:
The coalition and its members monitor news and information shared publicly and privately, regarding threats of SLAPP actions or ongoing court proceedings. Coalition members may attend court hearings or speak to targets of SLAPP threats to gain more understanding of the actors and tactics used and to document the scale of the threat in the UK.
A goal of SLAPPs is to isolate the target and to encourage them to step back from their work. As a result, the coalition and its members work to support SLAPP targets, whether through acts of solidarity such as public campaigning and advocacy, or responses to policy-makers, regulators and international organisations such as the Council of Europe.
The coalition and its members undertake a wide range of public and high-level advocacy campaigns to support targets of SLAPP actions and call for meaningful and structural responses to SLAPPs. This includes public statements of support, alerts submitted to monitoring mechanisms, as well as targeted work with policy-makers and industry experts to develop and support legislative responses to SLAPPs.